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5 Views· 14/08/23· Pets & Animals

5 Problems Of Pug and 5 Benefits Of Pug in hindi / problems and benefits of pug

Abhishek Kumar
10 Subscribers

.....Hello Friends Welcome Back To My Channel.....

Today's Video Topic -
5 Problems Of Pug and 5 Benefits Of Pug in hindi / problems and benefits of pug


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Hello dosto my name is Vaibhav, Welcome back to my channel that's VAIBHAV DOG'S WORLD. I made video realeted to Dogs like how to care dogs and how to be a good friend of out dog & etc.

🐶 Most Popular Dogs Breed's 🐶

1. Labrador
2. Garman Shepherd
3. Golden Retriever
4. Pug
5. Siberian Husky
6. Rotwiler
7. Doberman
8. Pet Bull
9. Beagle
10. Indian Spitz
11. Great Dane
12. Boxer
13. Kangal Shepherd
14. Chow Chow
15. Bull Mastiff
16. Tibetan Mastiff
17. Wolf Hybrid
18. Border Collie
19. Pomeranian
20. Poodle
21. Blood Hound
22. Papillon
23. English Mastiff
24. French Mastiff
25. American Pet Bull Terrier

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