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3 Views· 14/08/23· Pets & Animals

Best Course Veterinary Diploma Admission Salary Rajasthan MP VIDEO

Abhishek Kumar
10 Subscribers

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https://wa.me/919340162608?tex....t=Hi%20%2CDr.arpit%2 Veterinary medicine has a good scope. It's an upcoming profession. There is huge scope for research along with clinical practice. Pay is good. If you opt for a government job after your degree, the pay is amazing. You can either just start a clinic or job after getting your bachelor's degree, or you can apply for masters in India or abroad. 


You get to work with animals. ( who won't like that?)

You are doing an amazing job wherein you help to relieve sufferings of animals, who cannot talk like we people do.

Your patients will never complain about you

Your patients will be furry little creatures

You get to dabble in various enterprises related to veterinary

Vets are in high demand on stud farms or zoos or farms

Animals are better than people (personal opinion)

You learn a lot of other things related to animal husbandry in your degree duration in India

There is less competition as compared to other fields


If you don't like animals, it can be problematic

You WILL get dirty. You will have to stick your hand in places you don't want to.

You WILL get vomited on, pooped on, peed on, licked, kicked, thrown, covered in drool, and literally get filthy. And you have to be okay with that.

You will have crappy subjects in your degree. Trust me. I know.

You give up personal grooming once you start practising. The animal's grooming becomes more important :p

You don't have fixed working hours.

The pros and cons make this the best profession ever. I am proud of what I do and I love being a vet. 

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. I shall try to help you in the best possible way.

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