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2 Views· 14/08/23· Bhagwat Gita

Bhagavad Gita in Simple Hindi Chapter 18

Abhishek Kumar
10 Subscribers

This is the final Chapter of the Gita. In this chapter, on Arjuna's asking, Lord Krishna tells him the difference between Sanyasa, that is renunciation, and Tyaga, that is surrender, giving up, or relinquishment. We should give up only the rewards of our actions and not the actions themselves.He explains the three kinds of actions, three kinds of knowledge, three kinds of intelligence and three kinds of perseverance in accordance with the three attributes of nature, Sattvaguna, Rajoguna, and Tamoguna; as well as the three kinds of happiness.He tells Arjuna about the yoga of action, about supreme realization, about realization and Brahm, and about how to overcome distress and trouble, and, with the final exhortation to Arjuna that he take refuge in Him, the Lord assures Arjuna that he would free him from from all sins, he concludes his discourse.

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