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Daily Routine as per AYURVEDA (Hindi) | Dincharya and Ratricharya EXPLAINED |
Know in detail about the General Daily Routine mentioned in Ayurveda which our ancestors in India used to follow in Ancient Times. It is Intriguing to know how well they understood our Human Body Mechanisms and how the Daily Routine is carved out beautifully to keep our Health up to date and in alignment with the Nature. Ayurvedic Dincharya and Ratricharya Schedule provides us Wonderful in depth wisdom on how to maintain our health and improve our physiology in our Daily Lives so that we can stay away from Diseases. Also as appealed in the Video do take up a resolution this New Year to Follow maximum steps mentioned in Daily Routine of Ayurveda to get back your health back on track.
(This Video is Inspired by Dr Neelesh Korde's Works and Ancient Book Charaka Samhita)
But First check out our Previous Video to understand this Video Properly : Know your Body Type as per Ayurveda
Link: https://youtu.be/167sC1_1SY8
Also check out how Scientifically the Practise of Idol Worship is connected with Meditation and Health Benefits :
Link of Part 1 : https://youtu.be/5aSQiiTUn6k
Link of Part 2 : https://youtu.be/FeBAP6GTWWA
English Sub-Titles Contributed by : Bhavika Trivedi
Do Check out our Other Videos too:
Link: - https://youtu.be/ZPkk_BfMWao
2) Flying Aircrafts in Ancient India ? VAIMANIKA SHASTRA : Science or Fiction ?
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3) Real Reason Why Cow became Sacred in India
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4) Reality of Vaastu Shastras [REVEALED]
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMuhyb_kVfI&t=1s
For This Video:
VIDEO SOFTWARE USED - http://www.videoscribe.co/
BACKGROUND MUSIC USED - http://www.orangefreesounds.co....m/marimba-thinking-m