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2 Visualizações· 14/08/23·

Full भगवत गीता पारायण | Bhagavad Gita In Hindi | 700 Sloka Recitation by Savyasachi Das

Abhishek Kumar
9 Assinantes

#harekrsnatv #iskcon #hindi #bhagavadgita #recitation #vedic #wisdom #savyasachidas

The 'Bhagavad-Gita' means 'Song of God'. It is the only scripture that can be called the word of God in person. It has 18 chapters with 700 verses. The purpose of the Bhagavad-Gita is spiritual realization.
The topics of the Bhagavad-Gita are as follows:
a. The science of God
b. The science of spiritual life
c. The science of material life

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